We are looking forward to seeing you again in person at Opportunities in Superyachts, 9th Annual Conference, taking place on Thursday, 24th March, 2022 at the Corinthia St George's Bay, Malta.
Bringing together an international audience of superyacht industry leaders, Opportunities in Superyachts will offer an excellent occasion for networking with your peers. Our full programme of panel discussions, roundtables and keynote presentations also includes a Cocktail Party, Networking Lunch and Refreshment Breaks, giving you plenty of time to meet with important business contacts.
What`s more, on the evening before Opportunities in Superyachts, you can join delegates attending its sister conference, Opportunities in Business Jets, at their Cocktail Party on Wednesday, 23rd March, 2022. By running the conferences back-to-back, delegates can attend both and take advantage of the business development openings across allied industries.
Topics to be covered include: The Future for the Superyacht Industry – CEOs tell all: Taxing questions: Our panel of expert focus on taxation in different jurisdictions Crew Recruitment and Training Sustainability Destinations Buying a yacht: Commercial versus Private Use Cybersecurity Family & Private Offices
Once again we are delighted that the conference is chaired by:
Our impressive line-up of speakers already includes:
* QUENTIN BARGATE, CEO and Founder, BargateMurray * CHRISTOPHE BOURILLON, CEO, PYA * PANOS ALEXANDROU, CEO, Kition Ocean Holdings * ALEX CHUMILLAS, Tax Marine & Aviation Spain * JANET XANTHOPOLOUS, Rosemont Yacht Services * MAJA BAN, Director, MYS Yachting * CARLA BELLIENI, Partner, Studio Piana IlluzziQueirolo Trabattoni * ANTHONY GALEA, Managing Director, VistraMarine & Aviation * PAUL RUTTERFORD, Operations Director, Viking Crew * JESSICA GALEA, Senior Associate, Dingli & Dingli * KURT GUTTERIDGE, Naval Architectural Services * DOMINIC BULFIN, Director, Bargate Murray * ALISON VASSALLO, Partner, Fenech & Fenech * MICHAEL MIFSUD, Yachting Malta * NICOLAS VALIN, Founder & CEO, One Superyachts * JOE HANCOCK, Cybersecurity & Digital Intelligence, Mischcon de Reya * ALEXANDRE BAYEUX, YachtCyberSafe * AVNISH DHALL, Sales Manager, Melita Marine Group
For full information on the event go to www.quaynote.com or contact Alison Singhal – alison@quayote.com or tel: 44 (0) 7786 543898